APS-6000Cer(without touch screen)Perimeter
APS-6000Cer(without touch screen)Perimeter
APS-6000Cer(without touch screen)Perimeter
APS-6000Cer(without touch screen)Perimeter

APS-6000Cer  Normal screen Ophthalmology Perimeter


Dynamic eye position inspection. Environmental illumination inspection.

 PC internal. Normal screen.

1.Visual field testing must be performed in all patients with lesions of the visual pathway.

2.The visual field test is mainly used to monitor damage to the nerve fib re at the back of the eye 

caused by glaucoma, though other ocular conditions may also be investigated.

3.Ambient light brightness automatic detection

4.Blink dynamic recognition

5.Provides Various analysis report

6.A variety of special inspection mode and the custom check mode


Stimulus Type


Stimulator Screen

Hemisphercal bowl, radius 30cm integrated

Stimulus source

Light Emitting diode

Stimulus Size

Goldmann III

Stimulus Intensity


Stimulus Duration

Adjustable 0.2 to 2 Seconds

Stimulus color

Yellow; Red

Stimulus step


Minimum Inter-stimulus delay

Adjustable 0.2 to 2 seconds

Background Illumination

4 asb

Lens Holder diameter

35mm (optional)

Stimulus Points

144(0-60D),72 (0-30D), 61(0-10D red), 114 (Blind spot)

Chin-rest moving ranging

Vertical 70mm, horizontal 90m

Fixation Method

Automatic monitoring with two options.
Available blind spot method, Eye tracking method.
In both methods, fixation errors are to be immediately announced by visual and audible warnings.
The standard video camera should provide visual of the patient’s eye for additional monitoring.

Test Range

Default test (0-60D), Yellow spot test (central 0-10D), Central 0-30D test, Quadrant test, Peripheral test (60-90D), Blind spot test, Custom Test

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